Rants and Raves

Off Topic Friday: Divided We Fall

A voice of reason in the darkness. Hat tip to LM for the link.

Thomas Paine looks good for a guy his age.

About Dennis Fassett

I'm pleased to report that after multiple decades of hard-headed stubbornness, I've finally figured out that all work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy. So I've taken it upon myself to convert my wife and now adult(ish) kids into a roving band of merry adventurers. From horseback riding in Monument Valley to ocean kayaking in Acadia - all of our exploits have earned the coveted "epic" label from the younguns. I'll tell you about them - and also about the other "adventures" I'm having in my real estate investing business.
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6 thoughts on “Off Topic Friday: Divided We Fall

  1. Dennis,

    Having read a biography of Paine earlier this year, I was naturally curious about your post. Then, when I watched the video, it struck me. Whoever crafted this did a marvelous job of blending today’s issues with the essence of Paine’s original rhetoric. Fabulous!

  2. Thanks.

    I had the same reaction Brian. I liked the straight talk.

    I thought that same thing Vance – usually these things end up as cheap parodies. This one stuck me with its depth.

  3. This is fantastic. I agree 100% with all points presented. I am trying almost every day to help people understand of the dangers of current politics. I am mostly ridiculed because I am an LEGAL IMMIGRANT, came to this country in 1981 and contributed, not hindered to the progress of the nation. I agree that everybody should awake and take action until is not too late. I came from a comunist/dictatorial country. I know first hand what will follow if we let them take over. Keep the good work of spreading this information.

  4. Dennis:

    I would like to forward your page to others. Please provide a forwarding link.


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