Rants and Raves

Off-Topic Friday: Can We Finally Talk Turkey About the Automotive Industry?

C’mon. Let’s all take a minute to catch our breath. There’s way too much hyperventilating going on.

I myself have been torn through this process. My day job is tied directly to the automotive industry, and although my background and attitudes are firmly on the side of free-market laissez-faire economics, a part of me has secretly been pulling for the loan package to be approved. Because it would be easier.

Because it would be easier.

If ever there was something that explained society today in the US it’s that. We want ease. We want simple. We want Judge-Judy type scenarios where everything gets decided pretty neatly for us in a half hour.

We don’t want long and difficult transitions. And we certainly don’t want pain.

But with Ron Gettlefinger’s inexplicable decision yesterday to reject the notion of any more concessions – kind of like a man on the deck of the sinking titanic thinking that he is still in control of his destiny – all we have left to look forward to is a difficult transition. And probably lots of pain.

But now that the notion of a loan package looks like it’s dead, and with it the “easy way out”. Can we finally talk turkey? Can we take the gloves off and talk truth and not hyperbole?


And truth is this – that bankruptcy IS the way to ensure the survival of this industry into the future. Period. Let’s face it – the bridge loan packages were simply stopgap measures to buy them more time to restructure. But these companies need a massive restructuring focused on slashing hourly labor and retiree costs though, and the ONLY way to do that is through a bankruptcy action.

You need look no further than the UAW’s action yesterday to see why bankruptcy is necessary. After all these years the UAW still doesn’t get it. And because of that I don’t believe for one second that any restructuring action without bankruptcy would have been successful. And so while the bridge loan scenario would have been easy, it would also have started the final death spiral for the manufacturers, and probably for this area.

So now that it looks like we’re heading down that path, can we stop all the chicken-little talk about nobody buying from a bankrupt company? It made for a nice, visible, and dramatic argument when we were looking for the easy way out. But the fact is, it’s simply not true.

In fact, I propose that we stop talking about bankruptcy completely. It’s unproductive. And it sends the wrong message.

All of us in this area have a huge vested interest in this RESTRUCTURING of the automotive industry. And through this RESTRUCTURING this area will bounce back stronger than before. We have always bounced back. And I’m confident that we will again this time.

And I’m putting my money where my mouth is – I’m closing on the purchase of another investment property this afternoon, and I have three more that I’m looking at.

So let’s use all of our considerable communication powers and channels to talk about all the great things that are going to come out of this RESTRUCTURING. The pain is now going to happen no matter what.

It’s up to us to choose how to react to it.

About Dennis Fassett

I'm pleased to report that after multiple decades of hard-headed stubbornness, I've finally figured out that all work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy. So I've taken it upon myself to convert my wife and now adult(ish) kids into a roving band of merry adventurers. From horseback riding in Monument Valley to ocean kayaking in Acadia - all of our exploits have earned the coveted "epic" label from the younguns. I'll tell you about them - and also about the other "adventures" I'm having in my real estate investing business.
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3 thoughts on “Off-Topic Friday: Can We Finally Talk Turkey About the Automotive Industry?

  1. All I want to say is “Amen.”

    I am sure you know you were not alone in your duplicitous feeling about this bailout situation. In a way, I am glad that they did not get it. For those that are truly intelligent and willful, this is our time to step up and show what we got.

  2. Well stated Mr. Fassett!
    Restructuring is Change. Change is not always a BAD thing!

    My “day job” is for a company who administers benefits to employees of a large auto supplier who, infact, filed for bankruptcy in the past few years. They’ve had to Restructure. Sure, there has been “pain” with job losses/plant closings and even pay cuts but they are working their way out and still producing products.

    My “night job”, that being a wife and mom, has been effected already by the automotive industry as my husband recently accepted a separation package. Individual “pain”….sure! After 15 years he had do a job search. We had to re-evaluate cash flow income and needs. We’ve Restructured our household and we’re pulling out if it.

    I don’t like to see anyone in “pain”….I will carry a spider outside instead of killing it! But these companies do need a serious Restructure.

    I do agree with Mr. Fassett – there will be a bounce back!

  3. Dennis,

    Life is not what happens to us. Life is how we react and respond to what happens to us.

    “It’s up to us to choose how to react to it.” You’ve said it all here.

    Great article!

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