
Hi – I’m Dennis Fassett.

I’ve been a corporate guy for over 25 years now. I earned a bachelors in Econ and an MBA many moons ago. I worked in downtown San Francisco for a while and then Silicon Valley before moving my family back to Michigan.

Back in 2004 I found myself in a great amount of financial uncertainty. I was working my job in IT at an automotive supplier when the economy started crashing. I had a stay-at-home wife, four kids under 9 years old, and we had just taken in my terminally ill mother to live with us.

Like many folks, my job was in danger every single day. And also like many folks, I didn’t have any sort of financial safety net to fall back on. It was the scariest time of my life.

So I reinvented myself by starting my real estate company. What I learned during that time was how to help families escape financial hardship through creative real estate solutions. I never intended to be doing what my company does now, but folks have continued to seek us out. 

I’m grateful to be able to help the families we do. 

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Check out my other sites:

Metro Detroit Homebuyer

Estate Home Options

Dennis Buys Houses