Cash Flow Real Estate Investing, Landlording

Newsflash – It Ain’t That Hard to Be a Set and Forget Landlord…

Here’s a news flash – being a landlord isn’t rocket science. Seriously. It just ain’t all that hard to own rental properties and make money at it. With very little work on your part. Actually – to be precise, it ain’t all that hard IF you do two simple and pretty obvious things. And that’s to heed the Two Critical Success Factors for owning rental properties. That’s all it takes. Seriously. If you simply heed…

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Cash Flow Real Estate Investing, Landlording

I Have a Secret…

Yep. I have a secret. Something that I’ve never told anyone. But I have to come clean. What’s the secret? Well, I have a tenant in one of my houses. They moved in right after I bought it in the fall of 2006. They’ve been with me now for seven and a half years. The secret is that I haven’t raised their rent one dime since they’ve been living there. That’s right – they’re paying…

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Cash Flow Real Estate Investing

Not All Detroit Suburbs Were Created Equal

Crazy. Not just garden variety crazy. Nope. I’m talking batsh*t crazy. I got an email yesterday. From another crack smoking clown, who doesn’t even live here, peddling turn key properties here to unsuspecting investors out of state and out of the country. This guy has made a career out of shoveling crap Detroit properties with section 8 tenants out the door by the truck load. But now his game has changed. His email yesterday was…

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Rants and Raves, Scotch & Cigars

The 18 Best Bottles Of Scotch In The World?

I was excited when I saw the headline in the Business Insider that they were talking about the 18 best bottles of scotch in the world. I mean, I have my own personal preferences, and I can appreciate a great glass of scotch, but my wallet isn’t in any condition to afford anything on a “best scotch list”, that’s for sure. But I still like to read about it. And so I did. And I…

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Cash Flow Real Estate Investing, Rants and Raves

How to buy a $1 million home for $1,900 a month!

Seems like all the interesting news is coming out of Southern California these days. This time, it’s about our old friend, the interest only mortgage. Never mind the fact that this was one of the chief contributing factors in the housing crash just a few short years ago. Times are good and money is cheap, so hey! Lets get the party started. The article is from the Dr Housing Bubble Blog. A link to the…

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Rants and Raves

I KNOW you have stories to tell

Ok – SPILL! I’m serious. And all kidding aside. I want to hear your stories about real estate and real estate investing. We all have them. If you’ve read my stuff, you know that I have a ton of them, and I haven’t even told them all yet! I know that you have them too. And I want to hear them, and post them here on my site so everyone can enjoy them. So I…

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