Apartment Buildings, Cash Flow Real Estate Investing, Rental Houses

Choose Wisely! Because Location Matters.

I wrapped up the sale of one of my apartment buildings a couple of weeks ago. Part of that process involved meeting with one of the city building inspectors, as I was in the middle of my second bi-annual rental property inspection per their ordinance when we closed. The process went smoothly, and I was (again) pleasantly surprised by how down to earth and practical the building department was to deal with over the term…

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Apartment Buildings, Cash Flow Real Estate Investing, Rental Houses


I just got into it AGAIN on my facebook page with someone else pitching cheap-ass properties in bad areas with Section 8 tenants as the Holy Grail for buy and hold investors. He came on my page with an unsolicited pitch for his properties, and then really got his panties in a bunch when I pressed him on his ROI “projections”. It’s an epidemic I think. More than just the flavor of the month this…

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Apartment Buildings, Cash Flow Real Estate Investing, Current Events

Oh No – Not Another Google-Research Apartment Forecast!

It’s a race I guess. Every time a quarter end gets close, all the economists start falling all over each other to be first out with their forecast for the next quarter. Having studied Econ myself in college, the one thing I’d really like to see is a scoreboard that shows how accurate these past forecasts are. But that’ll never happen. Because as soon as people saw how consistently worthless the forecasts are, and how…

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Apartment Buildings, Cash Flow Real Estate Investing, Current Events

Multi-Family Economic Forecasts: Smoking Crack or Inside Track?

The real estate investment services firm Marcus and Millichap came out with an interesting statement last week. The headline that their chief forecaster, Hessam Nadji, used was “Recovery Threatened, But This Is Not 2008”. And he finished his overall summary by writing “The downgrade of the U.S. government’s credit rating by S&P has sent global stock markets into a frenzy, posing a threat to the already fragile U.S. economic recovery. However, there are stark differences…

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Apartment Buildings

Cash Flow Real Estate Investing TV: Shorts, Pick Axes, Social Media, and Getting it Done

When I moved back to Michigan in 1998 after living in California for 12 years, I made up my mind that I would psychologically will myself to wear shorts into December. Well guess what? It wasn’t a psychological issue – it was a physical one. And I find that the same goes with work. I can appreciate all the happy head social media experts posting their feel good quotes and smiley faces all over facebook,…

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