Apartment Buildings

The FSBO Building

In an attempt to cast my net wide and capture all relevant available apartment buildings that met my purchase criteria, I included buildings being sold “By Owner” in my searches. What did I learn? That an FSBO is an FSBO is an FSBO. No matter if it’s a $30,000 2 bedroom dump in Melvindale (I SWEAR that it will appraise for $80,000 the owner told me) to a $1,400,000 apartment building on the east side. The…

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Apartment Buildings

The White Hat Commercial Broker

Just about a year ago I read a book by Robert Ringer called “Winning Through Intimidation”. It was a spectacular book with a spectacular – and completely not-politically-correct – title. The interesting thing about it was that it really wasn’t about intimidation at all. No, it’s central thesis is that in any business deal the smart businessman will do the upfront preparation, and put in place the necessary safeguards, to protect his position at all…

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Apartment Buildings

The One-Trick-Pony Apartment “Guru”

As I mentioned in my prior post, this being a newbie again is an interesting feeling. And with my brilliant powers of deduction I figured out that it’s because you don’t know what you don’t know when you first start something new. I mean, I’ve been in the same professional field for nearly 20 years, and although I have had numerous jobs with numerous different companies, it’s been largely the same with very little being…

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Apartment Buildings

A Close Encounter With My First Commercial Broker

It has been an interesting feeling being a newbie again. As I have written about in this space, I have gotten so comfortable with the single family side of the Cash Flow business that I bought the last one on my lunch break. But now that I’m after apartment buildings I’m starting over from scratch. Sure a lot of the skills and knowledge is transferable and leverageable, but let me tell you that pursuing your…

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Apartment Buildings

My Apartment Quest

If you’ve been reading this space for any length of time, you know that I’m a huge fan of cash flow and cash flow properties. To the extent that I get a great deal of grief about it, and even earned the nickname “Cashflow Dennis”. (Instead of trying tp beat them I decided to join them and start two new websites – CashFlowDennis.com and CashFlowMercenary.com) But alas, unless you’ve been living in a cave for…

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