I shot this on the way to play golf this morning. I’m curious – what has come up in the first half of the year in your business that was unexpected, and that changed your focus at least somewhat for the rest of the year?
Category: Cash Flow Real Estate Investing
Cash Flow Real Estate Investing TV: Bus Tour #2 Anyone?
In the home stretch for the the Apartment Bus Tour this weekend. Looks like the weather will cooperate, which will be nice. This one is full, and I ended up with a half dozen folks on the waiting list, so I wanted to get an idea if there is an appetite for another one in say mid August?
Michigan Real Estate Investing TV: Back on the Air
After a couple of months of technical and other difficulties, Cash Flow Mercenary TV is back on the air. This episode is an update on what I’ve been up to.
Michigan Real Estate Investing TV: Required Reading for the Kids
I’m putting together a required reading list for the kids. I have three or four in mind – which one do you suggest?
Michigan Real Estate Investing TV: A Near Perfect Flipping Business Model
Saw a presentation last night that Scott Baumgart gave at Mark Ijlal’s real estate investor club. It was excellent – and his business model was worth taking note of.