I just got into it AGAIN on my facebook page with someone else pitching cheap-ass properties in bad areas with Section 8 tenants as the Holy Grail for buy and hold investors. He came on my page with an unsolicited pitch for his properties, and then really got his panties in a bunch when I pressed him on his ROI “projections”. It’s an epidemic I think. More than just the flavor of the month this…
Category: Cash Flow Real Estate Investing
Beware Of – The BOYFRIEND Disorder!
Since I’ve been renting houses now for several years I’ve seen this a bunch of times. I call it – “The Boyfriend Disorder”. When I first experienced it I shook my head and wondered what was happening. Now I can see it coming a mile away. I wish though that I could see it coming before I drive all the way over to show a house! What is “The Boyfriend Disorder”? It’s when a single…
Just Say NO To Property Management!
Why? Because it sucks big time. Call me Captain Obvious, but I just recently came to this conclusion. Let’s look at how it works. You hire a company to “manage” your rental house. They’re supposed to collect rent, pay expenses like insurance and property taxes, and make sure that the necessary repairs and maintenance, including preventative maintenance gets done. And for single family houses in my market, the going rate for this type of property…
“Personal Guarantees are STUPID!”
Wow. I just received another screeching email from a self-proclaimed guru bragging about how he just did another risky deal with private money from a new private lender in a crap-hole neighborhood that he would never buy in with his own money, and that he didn’t even have to offer a personal guarantee because the lender didn’t know enough to ask for it. Bravo Sparky. Bravo. You took advantage of someone that didn’t know any…
It’s Private Money Ninja Time
I’m sure you at least heard about the carnage in the stock market yesterday. The DJIA was down 391, which made this the third worst week for the stock market in history. And it was only Thursday. As I write this the market looks like it will open even lower this morning. And gold continued to fall overnight. There doesn’t seem like there’s anywhere to turn, does it? And that’s a good thing. A very…
Oh No – Not Another Google-Research Apartment Forecast!
It’s a race I guess. Every time a quarter end gets close, all the economists start falling all over each other to be first out with their forecast for the next quarter. Having studied Econ myself in college, the one thing I’d really like to see is a scoreboard that shows how accurate these past forecasts are. But that’ll never happen. Because as soon as people saw how consistently worthless the forecasts are, and how…