Apartment Buildings, Landlording

How to Buy Your FIRST Apartment Building: Feb 6, 2010

Due to the tidal wave of chaos and uncertainty that’s building right now in commercial real estate, I believe that 2010 is the year to buy Apartment Buildings! Because of this I’m teaching a half-day FREE seminar on How to Buy Your FIRST Apartment Building. Saturday, February 6, 2010. 8:30 am to 1:00pm. There’s a catch though – in order to be admitted free I’m asking for your help with something that’s very important to…

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Michigan Real Estate Investing TV: When Vendors Go Bad

Stop me if you have heard this one before: you spend time looking for a good service provider. You go through two or three before you find someone that’s great, then you give them all of your business. Then something strange happens – their prices start to go up, they get more difficult to get a hold of, and they stop meeting deadlines. What do you do when that happens?