Rants and Raves

I KNOW you have stories to tell

Ok – SPILL! I’m serious. And all kidding aside. I want to hear your stories about real estate and real estate investing. We all have them. If you’ve read my stuff, you know that I have a ton of them, and I haven’t even told them all yet! I know that you have them too. And I want to hear them, and post them here on my site so everyone can enjoy them. So I…

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Rants and Raves

No Horses, But Detroit Employs a ‘Horseshoer’?

Full disclosure: I admit to being completely jaded and one of the most vocal and cynical critics of the City of Detroit. In sharp contrast with many of the vapid rah rahs who do nothing but extoll the supposed “virtues” of this rotting cesspool, I actually own property in the city, and I have now for several years. So I have some perspective with this. But even I admit that I don’t know everything about…

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Rants and Raves

Microsoft Surface Review: Ignore the Apple Slappies – The Microsoft Surface ROCKS

This is a first for me. While I like both tools and toys, I don’t normally go through the time and effort it takes to pen something formal like this. Mostly because there’s usually enough information out there to suit just about anyone’s taste or thirst for information. But this time – it’s different. Because I’m more than just a little pissed. And that’s why I’m writing this review. You see, for the last almost…

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Rants and Raves

“Embrace Failure” Is Psycho-babble Bulls**t

“Embrace Failure” That was the subject line of an email that I received yesterday. Seriously. I don’t think I’ve heard anything more stupid in my entire life. Embrace failure. Really? It’s like all the people that never got picked for kickball in the third grade are either running the show or in positions of influence. It’s no wonder we’re morphing into a society that wants to be taken care of instead of being masters of…

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Rants and Raves

Off-Topic Friday: Can We Finally Talk Turkey About the Automotive Industry?

C’mon. Let’s all take a minute to catch our breath. There’s way too much hyperventilating going on. I myself have been torn through this process. My day job is tied directly to the automotive industry, and although my background and attitudes are firmly on the side of free-market laissez-faire economics, a part of me has secretly been pulling for the loan package to be approved. Because it would be easier. Because it would be easier.…

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Rants and Raves

Just Confirmed My Speaking Time for Podcamp Michigan TOMORROW!

I have taken the plunge and signed up for a speaking slot at the first Michigan Podcamp that will be held tomorrow, November 8 in Southfield. I’ll be speaking from 1:45 – 2:00. It’ll be a quick 15 minutes on one of my favorite topics. Twitter for Small Business Owners – Lessons Learned and Profits Earned I laughed hysterically at the concept of Twitter when Mark Ijlal first introduced it to me.  I’m not laughing…

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