Rants and Raves

Off Topic Friday: Is it the Haves and Have-Nots, or the Will and Will-Nots?

I saw an interesting discussion on twitter last evening. As you might expect, there has been some serious discussion about the economy and the stock market (which are two DIFFERENT things BTW). As you may know, twitter is heavily populated by “Web 2.0” types that know far more about social media and the internet that I do (or maybe than I ever will). They’re in lots of different fields, and many are actually (gasp!) using…

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Rants and Raves

Off-Topic Friday: Collateral Damage – Baby Boomers Forced to Delay Retirement

The Wall Street Journal this week highlighted a problem that’s only getting worse as the financial sector melts down.  Baby Boomers Delay Retirement Declines in Assets Force a Generation to Face New Reality By KELLY GREENE Nancy Davis, a 59-year-old senior marketing manager for a law firm in San Diego, had hoped to ease into her retirement after her son finishes college in two years. But “I may be 70 before I retire at this…

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Rants and Raves

Off-Topic Friday: Trivial Pursuit, or More About The Author

The meme bug is sweeping the real estate blogging world again.  @ToddWaller tagged me a couple of days ago to reveal potentially embarrassing facts, after he had supposedly done so himself. I didn’t see any embarassing things on his list, but there were a bunch of interesting things that I learned about him. So in the spirit of TMI and full disclosure, here are a few mildily interesting things about me that very few people actually know:…

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Rants and Raves

Off-Topic Friday: Boston-Edison’s History Being Sold for Scrap

I have always been a fan of old homes. Not 1930’s and 40’s. Boring. I’m talking REALLY old ones from the turn of the century.   There’s something about walking through one of them when it’s vacant and listening. When I do this I can almost hear the sounds of the families that lived there. I imagine conversations about hopes and dreams, and others about the simple routines of everyday life. It’s at these times…

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