Due to the tidal wave of chaos and uncertainty that’s building right now in commercial real estate, I believe that 2010 is the year to buy Apartment Buildings!
Because of this I’m teaching a half-day FREE seminar on How to Buy Your FIRST Apartment Building. Saturday, February 6, 2010. 8:30 am to 1:00pm.
There’s a catch though – in order to be admitted free I’m asking for your help with something that’s very important to me. Medical care for pregnant mothers.
I’m doing this seminar to raise money for a charity that I personally work with and have supported for years called Mother and Unborn Baby Care in Southfield, Michigan. I came to realize how critical medical care is to pregnant mothers when my 4th child developed a very serious and life threatening problem prior to her birth. One of my goals now is to make sure that every pregnant mother has access to proper medical care.
I’m asking that you donate $15 per person with the proceeds going to Mother and Unborn Baby Care. If you choose not to donate, then the cost to attend is only $97.
The updates for 2010 include:
And I’ll also be talking about:
And I’m offering a special bonus this time: round tables with some of the experts that I use every day in my business.
It’s going to be a jam-packed half day talking about everything you need to know to start looking for your first apartment building.
Who should attend?
Beginners!!! Or at least people brand new to apartment building investing. This is an entry level seminar about what you need to do when you’re just starting out looking for your first apartment building. I’ll walk through the purchase process and tell you what to expect, and what to look out for, during each phase of the purchase process. If you have already bought your first apartment property, this seminar is probably not for you.
Act fast if you want to attend. Due to hotel conference room availability, space is extremely limited.
Get the details:
How to Buy Your FIRST Apartment Building
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