Unbelievable. AGAIN.
I kept hearing how this commercial property stuff was different. But it seems like every time I turn around it’s gets more and more bizarre.
As you have read in some of my prior posts, I’ve been pursuing my first apartment building since the beginning of April. The seller has been a compete flake every step of the way.
He dragged his feet so much that I drew a line in the sand to either decide or I would cancel the deal. He couldn’t make up his mind so I canceled it two weeks ago. He came back a couple of days later and tried to renegotiate – for more money if you can believe it – even though he hasn’t had any other interest in the building since we started to dance.
I said no and have moved on to look at other buildings.
That was over a week ago. And guess what? The seller has decided that he’s not going to sign a release so that I can get my earnest money deposit back from the title company.
And here I thought that the commercial area was where the big boys played.
Instead I picked a third-grader to deal with on my first one. Brilliant.
So now I get to engage my attorney and go to court – just to get my EMD back.
So as Bugs Bunny says – of course you realize, this means war!
What a maroon.
What a freakin douchbag! I hear you can rent pit bulls. Maybe also there are bounty hunters for these kind of losers!
Do you know what the kicker is? The advice the I recieved as a course of action is this: go to court and file for a jusgement, then put a lien on the building for the emd and the cost of this silly lawsuit. Then when it comes time for him to sell, then I refuse to sign the release and make HIM sue ME.
Totally juvenile. Makes me almost miss retail single family home real estate.
Thanks for the comment!
This is crazy. I can’t believe that this joker thinks he can get away with this.
Like Nick said above, I heard that down in Mexico and are actually running ads on Craig’s list for assassinations. don’t know if anybody down there would actually come up here to take care of this little problem for you but it’s worth a shot.
Anyone for a nice game of chess?
No matter how big or small the playgound is, no matter where it is located, you always find a bully. This is what that person is. Do your best to get your money back and tell all your friends about him by name. You be surpised how a little negative publicity can hurt someone trying to sell something!
Hopefully, your PA contains a provision that if there is any litigation arising out of or related to the PA, that the prevailing party is entitled to all of their court costs and actual attorneys’ fees. It is likely that once you file suit, that the title company will interplead the deposit (i.e., ask the court to let it pay the deposit to the court and be released from any liability to the other parties) and may ask for their attorneys’ fee to be paid.
Denis C. Monahan, Esq.
Troy, MI