I LIKE being a rental property owner. I like (most) of my tenants. This is a very enjoyable business to be in!
Cash Flow Real Estate Investing TV: A GREAT Starter Apartment Building
While it won’t be on the Apartment Bus Tour due to some logistical issues, it’s a great building with solid occupancy at a price that’s reachable. AND it has seller financing.
Cash Flow Mercenary TV: A Good Contractor Story
After firing my old contractor a few weeks ago it’s refreshing to have a GOOD contractor story for a change.
Cash Flow Mercenary TV: I HATE Networking. NOT
I’m constantly amazed by the doors that keep opening up just by going out and meeting new people. I used to hate it, and I’m still not very good at it. But GEEZ has it been worthwhile. What has your experience with networking been like?
Cash Flow Mercenary TV: Tara! Tara!
Drama. With three daughters a wife and my mom at home you’d think I’d get my fill there. Nope. This apartment stuff is full of it. I think I’m a magnet for it. Or maybe it’s just standard operating procedure for commercial real estate.
Cash Flow Mercenary TV: I Tapped My WORK 401k for RE
If you’re a corporate person then I know you can appreciate my pain. You have a 401k. You have a crappy plan that only lets you invest is 4-6 crappy funds. Or you can keep it in cash and at least not lose anything except upside. Well I’ve decided to pursue a different option – and put at least part of my 401k to work – in real estate!