Had coffee with a friend last night to talk real estate. He’s a corporate guy and he’s looking for a way out as well. It was an interesting meeting.
Cash Flow Mercenary TV: My Private Clients Are Having Fun
My Private Clients are having a blast. Did you see the picture with scotch and cigars after the closing? They’re making a great ROI and having fun at the same time. Isn’t it time you joined?
Cash Flow Mercenary TV: Pick Your Poison
You think the Greek “debt crisis” is something bad happening to someone else way far away? Think again.
Cash Flow Mercenary TV: I Bought An Apartment Building!
I’m happy to report that my private equity fund, the Great Lakes Investment Fund, made it’s first acquisition today! Spectacular building and spectacular return on investment for a spectacular partnership group. And positive cash flow on day 1. Not a bad business model.
Cash Flow Mercenary TV: It’s Do or Die Time
Well this is it – after eight months of work, countless emails and phone calls, and a couple of dozen hours of negotiations, the UD private equity deal comes down to this: two pages of changes required by me to the seller’s 200 pages of highly restrictive and completely one-sided closing documents. Will the deal live? Will it die yet again, and for the last time?? –insert dramatic music here– Stay tuned . . .…
Michigan Real Estate Investing TV: Back on the Air
After a couple of months of technical and other difficulties, Cash Flow Mercenary TV is back on the air. This episode is an update on what I’ve been up to.