Seth Godin is a business blog writer who generally speaks to the corporate crowd. I don’t always agree with what he writes, mostly because he has a “silicon valley” perspective that’s pretty much usless here in the auto industry, but today he wrote about something that is completely relevant, and I say critical, to being a successful and happy rental property owner.
Michigan Real Estate Investing TV: Here’s a News Flash . . .
Real Estate is LOCAL! What it is with these national writers? Sitting in their easy chairs in Dubuque and writing articles about other areas based on their “in depth” research using Zillow??
Michigan Real Estate Investing TV: Trust But Verify!
When I visited the Mt Clemens property I realized that Mr Seller was renting out a storage room as a studio, and he had included that revenue in his numbers. I then used those numbers to make my offer. Since it’s not practical to plan to re-rent a potentially illegal studio, I re-ran my numbers and as you’d expect, removing that revenue significantly impacted the profitability of the property. And not in a good way.
Michigan Real Estate Investing TV: Why Not Increase INCOME Instead??
Why is it that everyone always focuses on cutting expenses when they’re in a financial crisis? There are TWO parts to an income statement – expenses and REVENUE. Why not work to make the size of the pie bigger and have an abundance mentality instead of a scarcity mentality?
Michigan Real Estate Investing TV: Where Do You Find Time To….
A good friend asked me how I “found” the time to write my book and have a second one in process. I thought that was a pretty funny question.
Michigan Real Estate Investing TV: I’m Feeling Like Juan Valdez
An incident recently reminded me of an old coffee commercial on TV.