Posted a video last week on why it’s bad idea to buy crappy properties right now. The feedback disagreed. So here it is by the numbers – and yes – ROI. Because ROI is what goes into your checking account at the end of the month.
Michigan Real Estate Investing TV: WAIT! Don’t Throw Them Out Just Yet
You’ve taken your time screening tenants like a Set and Forget rental property owner should. Then a problem arises – one of your tenants is late with the rent after being consistently on time.
Michigan Real Estate Investing TV: Too Bad I Can’t Convey the Smell!
This a textbook example of what results from poor tenant screening. How would you like to have to clean this up? I don’t. And I don’t have to with the tenants that my screening process yields. Hat tip to the prior owner of my building to renting to this dirtbag over my objection. I stopped asking myself years ago how people can live like this.