October 29, 2008 was a good day in my real estate business. A pretty good day in fact. Because on that day I bought a little over $1 million in real estate. One 20 unit apartment building and one single family home. (And didn’t use one penny of my own money. But that’s a topic for another post.) Not only that, but I had an offer accepted for what will be my 11th single family…
Off-Topic Friday: Picard v Kirk
I have thought for a long time that Star Trek is a metaphor for life. Especially for work and business. But as much as I try to explain it to my wife, I still usually get the blank stare (you know the one I’m talking about), even though I converted her into a STNG fan when we were courting way back in grad school in 1990. (She doesn’t like or get Monty Python either) I…
The Myth of “Win-Win”
I’m sure that you have seen the news reports out of Ohio a while back. First one, then a second Federal Judge dismissed foreclosure proceedings because the lenders “failed to prove that they owned the properties they were trying to seizeâ€. That’s a complicated way of saying that the paperwork is screwed up. (If you’ve ever worked at a big company, you know that this is the rule not the exception.) More importantly though, neither…
How to Buy Your FIRST Apartment Building
9 Audio CD’s For New Apartment Building Investors How To Buy Your FIRST Apartment Building This is critical information that a new Real Estate Investor needs to shortcut the learning process necessary to have a truly Set and Forget Rental Property business. Just some of the content in the five audio CD’s includes: The Michigan Rental Real Estate Update for 2009 – why this is the year to buy apartment buildings. What do you need…
Arrowhead – #923
A 66 unit multifamily property situated in Oakland County, Michigan, near shopping and mall. Centrally located with easy access to transportation and bus line. A mix of large sized one and two bedroom rental units. Onsite management office. Coin operated laundry and vending machines. Confidential Sale. Contact Dennis Fassett at (248) 470-8170 for more details or to schedule a private showing. Click the link below for the property overview information package. arrowhead-923 Offered through Apartment…
Off-Topic Friday: Can We Finally Talk Turkey About the Automotive Industry?
C’mon. Let’s all take a minute to catch our breath. There’s way too much hyperventilating going on. I myself have been torn through this process. My day job is tied directly to the automotive industry, and although my background and attitudes are firmly on the side of free-market laissez-faire economics, a part of me has secretly been pulling for the loan package to be approved. Because it would be easier. Because it would be easier.…