Because I continue to be so bullish on real estate in metro Detroit, I’m constantly talking to people about buying rental properties here. Day in and day out, all kinds of people in all walks of life with all different backgrounds.  I have to say that the most common reaction that I hear is this:  “Ooooh Nooooo – I DON’T want to be a landlord. Then you have to talk to tenants all…
Off-Topic Friday: Social Networking Meets Real Estate Investing
What if I could show you a way to easily find, meet, and network with a few dozen out of state real estate buyers and investors? Â What if I could show you a way to network with national business reporters and get exposure and possibly get slotted for interviews? Â What if I could show you a way to network that is nearly effortless, but still completely effective? Â Would any of that get…
Of Course You Realize, This Means War!
Unbelievable. AGAIN.  I kept hearing how this commercial property stuff was different. But it seems like every time I turn around it’s gets more and more bizarre.  As you have read in some of my prior posts, I’ve been pursuing my first apartment building since the beginning of April. The seller has been a compete flake every step of the way.  He dragged his feet so much that I drew a line…
There’s No Basement in the Alamo, Silly!
I was out in Southern California visiting my “little†sister for her 40th birthday two weekends ago, and as usual after a few cocktails out on the patio, the conversation amongst us siblings devolved into quoting lines from our favorite movies. (This is a source of constant bemusement bordering on irritation for our spouses, who for some reason aren’t into it)  Our favorite quotables include Ghostbusters (You’re right, Ray, no – human – would…
Off-Topic Friday: The Starbucks Curse – Is the Party Over?
After my wife and I got out of grad school with our newly minted MBAs from the University of Southern California, we high-tailed it out of Los Angeles to the Northern California town of Burlingame. This was in May of 1992.  At that time, Burlingame was a quiet little town with a slow and somewhat decaying downtown area – you know the type – three consecutive blocks of shops, restaurants, and offices not much…
Shut UP Already! The Sky IS NOT Falling!
I’m confused. I really am.  I’ve been getting a rash of grief lately from the Chicken Little crowd here over my bullishness about buying suburban rental homes here in Metro Detroit.  They’re running up and down the street like little girls with their dresses up over their heads screaming “The Sky is Falling. They Sky is Falling!â€.  I suppose that it’s easy to do when you put your brain in neutral. That…