Apartment Buildings

A Close Encounter With My First Commercial Broker

It has been an interesting feeling being a newbie again. As I have written about in this space, I have gotten so comfortable with the single family side of the Cash Flow business that I bought the last one on my lunch break. But now that I’m after apartment buildings I’m starting over from scratch. Sure a lot of the skills and knowledge is transferable and leverageable, but let me tell you that pursuing your…

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Apartment Buildings

My Apartment Quest

If you’ve been reading this space for any length of time, you know that I’m a huge fan of cash flow and cash flow properties. To the extent that I get a great deal of grief about it, and even earned the nickname “Cashflow Dennis”. (Instead of trying tp beat them I decided to join them and start two new websites – CashFlowDennis.com and CashFlowMercenary.com) But alas, unless you’ve been living in a cave for…

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Cash Flow Real Estate Investing

Stocks’ Wild Ride Isn’t Over

Even if the markets have touched bottom, there’s still plenty that could go wrong. So don’t unfasten your seat belt just yet.  By Jon Markman  Big investors and government officials have pulled out all the stops in recent weeks to make it look like equity markets, and possibly the U.S. economy, hit rock bottom in early March in sync with the crash and sale of Bear Stearns. Yet new evidence suggests that credit markets, where…

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Cash Flow Real Estate Investing

And the Hits Just Keep Coming!

America‘s most miserable cities Add high rates of violent crime and unemployment to income taxes, commute times, weather and pollution and what do you get? Detroit. By Kurt Badenhausen, Forbes.com Imagine living in a city with the country’s highest violent-crime rate and second-highest unemployment rate. As an added kicker, you need more Superfund dollars allocated to your city to clean up toxic-waste sites than just about any other metropolitan area. Unfortunately, this nightmare is a…

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Cash Flow Real Estate Investing

Detroit is Still the King of the Hill

Another article, this time from the Associated Press. I have added the emphasis. Detroit had top foreclosure rate in ’07 By ALEX VEIGA, AP Business Writer Wed Feb 13, 6:28 AM ET LOS ANGELES – The Detroit area, hit hard by the double-whammy of unemployment and a slumping housing market, had the highest foreclosure rate in the nation last year, with several cities in California ranked close behind, an analysis of foreclosure activity in the…

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Cash Flow Real Estate Investing

Denial is Not Just a River in Egypt

I read this article this morning. I was surprised by it because I’ve been thinking just the opposite over the last six weeks, because I’ve been seeing homeowners actually giving up and throwing in the towel because they’ve finally realized the harsh reality of this market. This article demonstrates, though, just how much further we have to go before things turn around. From CNNMoney.com . . . . Home Prices in the State of Denial…

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