Current Events

Michigan out 28,000 jobs – August’s 7.4% jobless rate is 14-year high.

Excerpted from the Detroit News this morning. . . .   Michigan‘s unemployment rate in August was the worst since since September 1993.   Massive automotive buyouts and a sharp decline in residential construction were cited as factors for the state’s jobless rate.  Last month 28,000 jobs were lost in Michigan, bringing the total number lost since this time last year to 96,000.  Since August 2006, employment in Michigan has dropped by 2 percent while nationally it has increased by…

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Cash Flow Real Estate Investing

A Tale of Two Painters

I am perplexed. If you read the paper you can tell how bad the housing market is here. With that comes the decline in home improvement which hits the trades people hard. Very hard. I know of at least three crews that I had bid jobs over the winter that are no longer in the business. It’s gotten so bad that the high end contractor that I always use on my personal residence asked me…

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Cash Flow Real Estate Investing

My Buy-and-Hold Performance Metric – Cost per Equity Dollar

If you’re even a semi-regular reader of this blog, then you already know that I’m a huge fan of buying and holding properties as rentals, because it can yield and infinite ROI (See the post on NOOP). In a nutshell, NOOP demonstrated a repeatable process where you buy a property for cash (business credit, private investor, hard money, etc), rehab it as necessary, then pull all of your purchase, rehab, and holding costs out when…

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Current Events

You Never Could Tax Your Way to Prosperity

Lest you think that this is a diatribe related to politics, relax. Long, long ago I gave up letting the micro-brains in government (both elected and unelected) impact by disposition. No, this is a post about economics. And basic economics at that. I have long believed that the framers of our constitution should have included a minimum number of basic economics courses at the university level as requirement for holding any elected or unelected position…

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Cash Flow Real Estate Investing

Follow the Herd – And You Know What Happens

So – what kind of person are you? Are you one of those people that listens to the screamers and over-reacters? Or perhaps are you’re a chicken little yourself? You know the kind of person I’m talking about – they spend all of their time running up and down the street with their dress up over their head yelling “the sky is falling, the sky is falling”. Or do you look at facts, even if…

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Cash Flow Real Estate Investing

Tools, Systems, and Processes

I realized the other day how much I really don’t like working on houses. Sounds odd coming from someone with a real estate business, doesn’t it? But I’m not alone. Most of the people that know in this business are the same – they really don’t like doing the work themselves. And for good reason. It’s dirty, sometimes difficult, and always takes time away from other things. Especially family. But as I was crawling around…

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