Cash Flow Real Estate Investing

Want to LAUGH at the Stock Market Volatility?

Ever since the dot com bubble burst in 2000 and the catastrophic events of 9-11, as a country we have been struggling to recover the value in our retirement accounts. One article that I read indicated that the losses in value due to these two events were as high as 60%.With the overall market averaging an historical annual return of 7%, do you know how long it would take to recover that 60%. 14 years.…

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Cash Flow Real Estate Investing

Introducing – NOOP

For those of you familiar with the real estate market in the Detroit area, you know that this is a ONCE IN A LIFETIME opportunity to build a real estate portfolio. Yes, I’m sure that you’re all used to the bombast and hyperbole inherent to bogs. But I’m serious about this. Dead serious. Why? Let me ask you this – where else can you routinely find single family homes priced at forty to fifty cents…

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Current Events

They Did WHAT?!?

WOW. Again. I had written up a long follow-up post on this Federal Reserve intervention that I had planned to post yesterday, but I got hung up in meetings and couldn’t get to it. I wrote long (and eloquently, I might add) about how there was NO possible way that after their dump-and-run “liquidity injection” they could even THINK about lowering interest rates for AT LEAST the next two to three months. About how the…

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Current Events

The Sins of the Past

Wow. I never thought that I’d see it happen. The Federal Reserve, that mysterious, secretive, “quasi-governmental” entity that has made a regular habit of thumbing it’s nose at the general pubic and the day to day performance of the market, has succumbed. They have fallen. They have gone over to the dark side and made a wholly populist decision. And unfortunately it’s not just the Fed – it’s a number of other central banks around…

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Cash Flow Real Estate Investing

Perspective – Part II: Kudos to Wagner, Shame on Mulally

More than 50 years ago, then-General Motors President Charles Wilson reportedly said “What’s good for General Motors is good for the country”. My how things have changed. There was a time back during the dot com bubble that even AOL had a larger market value than GM, and there was even talk of GM becoming a subsidiary of My point is that the automotive manufacturers no longer have the impact on the national economy…

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Cash Flow Real Estate Investing

To Hold or Not to Hold . . . . .

  This is the perpetual question, isn’t it? You have your target area and you watch it like a hawk. You know what’s available and where they all are price-wise. You pay attention to each new property that becomes available, and you strike like a ninja when you see an opportunity.  Then what?  Actually, if you’re an experienced investor, the question isn’t “Then what?”, because you knew what your exit strategy was before the offer…

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