Cash Flow Real Estate Investing

Shut UP Already! The Sky IS NOT Falling!

I’m confused. I really am.


I’ve been getting a rash of grief lately from the Chicken Little crowd here over my bullishness about buying suburban rental homes here in Metro Detroit.


They’re running up and down the street like little girls with their dresses up over their heads screaming “The Sky is Falling. They Sky is Falling!”.


I suppose that it’s easy to do when you put your brain in neutral. That protects you from the facts I guess.


The point that I’m trying to make (again and again) is that this area will rebound. It survived a much worse situation back in the 70’s and 80’s, and Michigan rebounded to lead the nation in growth and had the lowest unemployment rate of any state in the 90’s. It’ll be back.


But those that can’t learn from the past will never be convinced, and they’ll continue to scream their overreactions from the rooftops.


But from a real estate perspective, and in particular rental real estate, the proof, as usual, is in the math.


Chicken Littles – stop reading here – facts to follow.


First – you should understand that the premise of holding rental properties is that they are long-term investments. Like 15-20 years long.


So unlike the people that are in and out of the market every week, people that invest in rental properties buy. Then they hold. That’s it. It’s not sexy. It’s not complex.


And second, you should understand the math.


I’ll use the last rental property that I bought as an example.


I bought it for $69,250. It needed no rehab and all the mechanical systems (furnace, a/c, electrical, plumbing, etc) are in bullet proof condition. My experience with other properties in this condition over the last several years indicates that annual repairs and maintenance will be insignificant.


I rented it for $1000 per month BEFORE I closed on it (slightly below market to what I call a “permanent renter” – more on that later in another post). My principal, interest, taxes, and insurance come to $825 per month, so there’s $175 per month in cash flow to either put in my pocket or use on maintenance.


My point is – this property cash flows nicely at that price.


So let’s suspend all reality and common sense for a moment and listen to the Chicken Littles and suppose that housing prices fall an additional 20% across the board here. Fine.


So the value of this rental home falls from $69,250 to $55,400.


Time to jump off the roof, right?


Maybe for the Chicken Littles, because they’re focused on the short-term and can’t see beyond what’s right in front of them.


 I however,  don’t care.


Well why not? I’ve just lost 20% of the value of my asset, haven’t I?


Because the house cash flows where I bought it. So a reduction in the property value has ZERO impact on my profitability!


I even have room to lower the rent if the rental market drops, so only a total and complete collapse of the rental market here will impact me. Is that likely? No – because as the housing market has collapsed here the rental market has strengthened, and rents are rising.


So I’m simply at a loss why this is so hard to understand.


I hope this clarifies things. For most I’m sure that it did.


For the Chicken Little crowd though, I’m sure that it didn’t get through, because they always base their overreactions on never-seen and not possible Armageddon Scenarios.


So once and for all – shut up Chicken Littles. The sky is NOT falling!


Why not try being part of the solution for a change instead of exacerbating the problem?



About Dennis Fassett

I'm pleased to report that after multiple decades of hard-headed stubbornness, I've finally figured out that all work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy. So I've taken it upon myself to convert my wife and now adult(ish) kids into a roving band of merry adventurers. From horseback riding in Monument Valley to ocean kayaking in Acadia - all of our exploits have earned the coveted "epic" label from the younguns. I'll tell you about them - and also about the other "adventures" I'm having in my real estate investing business.
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4 thoughts on “Shut UP Already! The Sky IS NOT Falling!

  1. Dennis,

    >”First – you should understand that the premise of holding rental properties is that they are long-term investments. Like 15-20 years long.”

    Totally true. It’s hard to lose when you take a long-term view of any investment property purchase.

    I’m reminded of an old quote:

    Those who say it can’t be done should get out of the way of those actually doing it.

    Nice article! Should be required reading for any RE investor.

  2. That’s a GREAT quote.

    I’m constantly amazed how many have both short memories and a defeatest attitude. People need to stop worrying and get to work making their corner of the universe prosperous.

    Thanks for the comment Vance.

  3. Are These Chicken Little’s from around Here?

    It seems like anybody that’s in this area is completely blind to the potential that exists all around them.

    Apparently, out-of-state investors seem to think that Michigan is prime stomping grounds for successful real estate investment. Brian Matelic over at Remax Team 2000 told me the other day that he is heavily focused on getting out-of-state investors to fly in and buy 10 to 20 cheap houses in Detroit and surrounding areas, all under $20,000.

    Now maybe all these people are idiots but I don’t think so. It’s simply an example of people outside the system recognizing the value that exists here and people that are here completely oblivious to the opportunity around them.

    Oh, by the way, I cracked my head off at your word picture of the Chicken Little’s running around with skirts over their heads like little girls.

  4. Brian – I wrote this in response to a couple of online “discussions” that I’ve been having with a couple of folks in this area. Bitch and moan, whine and complain is all they do. They and their type remind me of the James Taggart character in Atlas Shrugged – always whining and complaining about problems and always expecting someone else to do something. But that’s a topic for another blog post.

    Unfortunately, it seems to be only the out of state people that see the opportunity here. It’s funny – people wait and pray all of their lives for the chance to be at the right place at the right time – then when it happens they play turtle.

    One of the people that I was debating with online was bragging that he was buying oil and gold “as a hedge”.

    I reminded him of what happened to both back in the 80’s and 90’s, and asked why he preferred buying commodities at high prices and riding them DOWN instead of buying real estate at the bottom and riding it UP. He never responded.

    Thanks for the comment.

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