
Michigan Real Estate Investing TV: I LOVE Conflict!

Seth Godin is the king of the vanillas. He likes groups that agree about everything and sit around giving group hugs singing kumbyya. I don’t. I love conflict. I induce conflict. Conflict is good. Conflict is productive. Conflict is interesting. And the only way anyone learns anything in a discussion is when people disagree on something. And you can take a flying leap if you don’t agree with me.


Michigan Real Estate Investing TV: Life is GREAT, but Lulu Sucks

Had a great meeting this morning with a great friend and colleague about raising private equity to buy commercial investment real estate; I’m meeting with my banker this afternoon because they want to host a wine and cheese book signing with me and their high net worth clients; and I’m meeting with another small group of investors this afternoon to talk about raising private equity. So life is great! And then there is Ugh.