we buy houses detroit

REITD 001: Welcome to REI Talk Detroit

Welcome to REI Talk Detroit – the show for and about real estate investing in metro detroit. In this kickoff episode I introduce the show, tell you how it’s going to the structured, and very briefly give you my background. And in the money talks segment I tell you how I’m funding my deals. REI Talk Detroit is a show by and for real estate investors here in the Metro Detroit area. Each week I’m…

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Cash Flow Real Estate Investing

The Landlord Death Penalty

You’d think that we’d be way beyond this by now. But I just read an article in a Virginia newspaper that proves that we’re not. What I’m talking about is discrimination in tenant selection for rental properties. It seems that a landlord in Virginia didn’t return phone calls to a prospective tenant that wanted to see his rental property. Then when they finally talked, he told her the property had already been rented. The prospect…

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Cash Flow Real Estate Investing

Meth Labs – In Beverly Hills?

I had an interesting experience last weekend. It was my daughter’s birthday, and she wanted to barbecue for her birthday dinner. So after the long frigid, and never ending winter, I made my way over to the propane exchange store nearest my house. I’ve lived here going on 12 years. And I’ve been going to this same propane exchange guy for at least five. I honestly can’t recall how long it has been. So it…

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Cash Flow Real Estate Investing, Rants and Raves

Burn Your Ships? I Don’t Think So!

Jobs are awesome. Having a job is one of the greatest benefits you can have while you’re starting a business. Especially a real estate business that takes some time to ramp up. The reason is, as I discussed in the last post, is because a job serves as a safety net. You have a source of income coming in. You can put food on the table, pay your mortgage or rent, and put gas in…

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Cash Flow Real Estate Investing, Rants and Raves

J.O.B. Seriously?

Are you a sick and tired of this as I am? It seems like every time I check my email, some idiot goo-roo is pitching his “solution” to having a job. And of course they have all kinds of cutsey acronyms for JOB. Tell me if you’ve heard these: – Just Over Broke – Just Obey Boss – Jackass Of Boss And on and on and on. Well you know what? Those f’ing goo-roos can…

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Cash Flow Real Estate Investing, Landlording

Newsflash – It Ain’t That Hard to Be a Set and Forget Landlord…

Here’s a news flash – being a landlord isn’t rocket science. Seriously. It just ain’t all that hard to own rental properties and make money at it. With very little work on your part. Actually – to be precise, it ain’t all that hard IF you do two simple and pretty obvious things. And that’s to heed the Two Critical Success Factors for owning rental properties. That’s all it takes. Seriously. If you simply heed…

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