Rental Houses

Step 4 To Buying Turn Key Rentals in Metro Detroit: DON’T Deal With Section 8

I alluded to this earlier and I want to reiterate it so there’s no misunderstanding. DO NOT RENT TO SECTION 8 TENANTS! I’m sorry to have to say this, because when I got started I was a big fan of the program, and I routinely had around 10% of my tenants in the program. Over the last 18 months or so however, the program has changed. And not for the better. The problem is that…

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Rental Houses

Step 3 To Buying Turn Key Rentals in Metro Detroit: Buy The RIGHT HOUSES

Believe me when I tell you that all houses are not alike. And as crazy at it sounds, renters are picky, and are getting more so every year. So choosing the right types of houses to buy matters a lot to your long-term success and profitability. Thankfully though, picking the right types of houses is not rocket science either. Over the last seven years, through trial and error, and through exchanging notes with other rental…

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Rental Houses

Step 2 To Buying Turn Key Rentals in Metro Detroit: Key on SCHOOL DISTRICTS

The key to developing a consistent rental cash flow in Metro Detroit is getting great tenants. The key to getting great tenants is to buy in the best areas. And the key to identifying the best areas is to focus on the best school districts. It’s not rocket science! In my experience families with kids make the best renters. And renters with kids want the best school district they can afford, just like every other…

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Rental Houses

Step 1 To Buying Turn Key Rentals in Metro Detroit: DON’T Buy in DETROIT!

I’ve been buying rental houses here in the suburbs now for seven years. And nearly the entire time I’ve been telling anyone and everyone to stay away from the city of Detroit if they wanted to own rental properties. A few listened. Fortunately for them. The rest, however did not. And now most of that group is now out of real estate altogether. Detroit is a cesspool of crime and gangs. And because of that…

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Rental Houses

6 Steps to Buying Turn Key Rental Houses in Metro Detroit

I’M SO TIRED OF HEARING HOW WONDERFUL DETROIT PROPERTY IS! SERIOUSLY. With all the misinformation circulating regarding Turn Key rental houses in the Detroit, I decided I had to act to set the record straight. Because there’s a lot of crap being slung around. And I’m tired of seeing it. I’m tired of hearing it. And I’m tired of getting asked about it. I mean, I’ve been buying suburban rental properties in Metro Detroit now…

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Rants and Raves

“Embrace Failure” Is Psycho-babble Bulls**t

“Embrace Failure” That was the subject line of an email that I received yesterday. Seriously. I don’t think I’ve heard anything more stupid in my entire life. Embrace failure. Really? It’s like all the people that never got picked for kickball in the third grade are either running the show or in positions of influence. It’s no wonder we’re morphing into a society that wants to be taken care of instead of being masters of…

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